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More Balance for Your Next Flight

Do you struggle with balance while you are standing on your Audi e-tron foil?
Don´t worry, a lot of people have a really hard time finding their balance while e-foiling. To help you a little bit, we have gathered some Surf-Balance-Exercises, so you can finally start flying while standing on your e-foil by Aerofoils.
Frist, we are going to show you two exercises to improve your center gravity balance, while standing over a stable surface.
Single-Leg Deadlifts
That’s how you do it:
  • Stand with your feet together. This is the starting position. We recommend starting with your bodyweight only, if you are feeling comfortable enough you can add some weights.
  • Shift your weight to your right leg, and while keeping a slight bend in your right knee, raise your left leg straight behind your body, hinging at the hips to bring your torso parallel to the floor.
  • Keep your back flat. At the bottom of the movement, your torso and left leg should be almost parallel to the floor.
  • Keeping your core tight, push through your right heel to stand up straight and pull back up to the starting position. Bring your left leg back down to meet your right but try to keep most of the weight in your right foot.
  • Pause there and squeeze your butt. That is one rep. 
  • We recommend 8-12 reps with three rounds per leg.  
That’s how you do it:
  • The starting position is the upright stand, the feet are about shoulder width apart. You can either rest your arms at your sides, move them forward at the same time or swing them alternately.
  • Build basic tension and take a sufficiently large step forward.
  • When lowering the knee to just above the floor, always keep the hips straight and the upper body upright. Beginners should try to always keep the knee of the front leg behind the toes to avoid putting unnecessary stress on the front knee.
  • Hold down briefly before returning to starting position. You should press up mainly through the heel, not through the toes of the front foot.
  • We recommend 8-12 reps with three rounds per leg.
Important: When lowering the hips, exhale. Breathe in when you straighten up. You can switch legs each time or do all the repetitions on one side first. To further your balance, good hip mobility is essential. For a better hip-mobility here are two exercises that will improve your hip mobility and therefore your balance.
Frog Hip Stretch
Take it slow and easy and don’t force a range of motion you may not be ready to achieve. The action here as you move in and out of a stretch is squeezing the knees together as you rock backward and relaxing as you rock forward. After a few repetitions you can sit back and relax into the stretch for upwards of a minute.
That’s how you do it:
  • Start on hands and knees, bringing your knees as far apart as is comfortable.
  • Rock back and forth in that position.
  • Keep the balls of your feet on the ground, with toes pointed outward.
Squatting Internal Rotations
This exercise encourages blood flow and circulation after all the previous exercises. Don’t hold the end position very long at all. Just keep moving and give yourself some time to work through the movement.
That’s how you do it:
  • Start in a deep squat position (as deep as you can go).
  • Rotate one knee inward, down toward the ground.
  • This stretch can be done sitting on a small stool if you cannot get into a comfortable squat position.
Do you already feel how you have more balance in your body? Physical fitness and health are very important. Always keep a healthy lifestyle, also to avoid injuries during e-foiling.
Enjoy your next flight with an extra portion of balance!